最近有些忙碌,即將開始在奇美進行導覽,加上My Taiwan Tour 英文導遊台南的受訓課程即將開始,孩子又在放暑假,昨天與老公聊天,上一次去教會竟然是上週日,我現在竟然成為一週只去教會一天的基督徒,對自己有點失望,與神的關係是否在較少去教會的當中與神漸行漸遠呢?
今天英文堂的講道內容,讓我相當激勵:若不是主耶穌基督的寶血遮蓋,我的生命將會是......每一個來到教會成為神兒女的人,都必定有他一路走來被神轉化的故事,我當然也不例外。若非因為神的愛,我的生命將會是悲慘與徹底的黑暗,甚至沒有了氣息。在講道的後段,講員問我們是否知道上帝對於我們生命的命定? What's your identity in God's eyes? 是禱告,是關懷,還是陪伴在患難與軟弱中的弟兄姊妹。
If it wasn't for the blood of Jesus.......my life could be miserable and in complete darkness.
Today's English sermon really touched my heart.
It reminded me that our citizenship is not here or elsewhere. For the children of God, our citizenships are in heaven. Recently, I gradually got desappointed about the situation, the culture, the people, the news in Taiwan. However, in today's sermon, the preacher reminded me that my citizenship is not here. It's in heaven. What I should care more is my relationship with God instead of how i see the future of Taiwan.
After the service, my mind was refreshed and recharged. I know how blessed I am. While holding a super cute 4 months old baby girl in my arms, she smiles for me, she laughs for me, she cries for me, she also sleeps soundly because of me. How blessed I am.
James 4:14 King James Bible
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
其實明天如何 ,你們還不知道。 你們的生命是甚麼呢?你們原來是一片雲霧,出現少時就不見了。雅各書4:14